Christianity Without Change Isn’t Christianity

Transformation is at the heart of what it means to be a disciple of Christ.

Throughout our relationship with Jesus we are to grow, mature and develop in the areas of our thoughts, attitudes and behaviors.

For this transformation to take place, we must put ourselves in a position of submission and obedience to the clear directives (whether positive or negative) found in the scriptures and the promptings and prodding of the Holy Spirit.

At the moment a person puts their trust in Christ, all sorts of change takes place. For example, we move from guilt before God to being justified by Him. Also, we become God’s friend after being His enemy. Not only that, but we are adopted into the family of God.

But God’s plan is for us to continue changing beyond the point of salvation as we follow the life and example of Jesus.

Sadly, some have reduced the gospel message as avoiding an unpleasant hell in favor of much preferable heaven. But the gospel is much more than a rescue from a disagreeable afterlife. Yes, the gospel is the power of God to rescue us from hell. But it is all the power of God to renew, restore and reframe our lives.

If we are honest, we will admit our lives need work. We understand that our minds and hearts aren’t pure. And we know our actions are often motivated by self, rather than a love for God or concern for others.

Such change must begin in how we think. That’s because thoughts impact attitudes, and attitudes impact behavior. No wonder Paul wrote these words in Romans 12:

Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2 CSB)

The word Paul used in Romans 12:2 is the word we use for the metamorphosis of a butterfly. The change in the end is something completely different than was there before. This is how total the transformation should be when it comes to our thinking.

If we are satisfied with the status quo of our life, then we likely are not in tune with God’s life-giving plan to continually reshape us more into the example of Jesus.

Let’s not wrestle with the idea of transformation. Let’s embrace it!

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